HOL-OCL is an interactive proof environment for the Object Constraint Language (OCL). It is implemented as a shallow embedding of OCL into the Higher-order Logic (HOL) instance of the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. HOL-OCL is developed by Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff.
HOL-OCL allows one to reason over OCL specifications, refine OCL specifications, and builds the basis for further tool support, e.g. for the automatic test-case generation.
HOL-OCL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL. It is developed by Achim D. Brucker and Burkhart Wolff
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Emerging Topics in Textual Modelling.
In OCL 2019. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2513, pages 91-104,, 2019.
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Achim D. Brucker, Jordi Cabot, Gwendal Daniel, Martin Gogolla, Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera, Frank Hilken, Frédéric Tuong, Edward D. Willink, and Burkhart Wolff.
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In Proceedings of the International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling (OCL 2016). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1756, pages 157-165,, 2016.
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(abstract) (full text as PDF file) (BibTeX) (Endnote) (RIS) (Word) ( )
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(abstract) (full text as PDF file) (BibTeX) (Endnote) (RIS) (Word) (doi: ( )
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The HOL-OCL Book. ETH Zurich, Technical Report 525, 2006.
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In UML 2002: Model Engineering, Concepts and Tools. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2460), pages 196-211, Springer-Verlag , 2002.
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A Proposal for a Formal OCL Semantics in Isabelle/HOL.
In Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2410), pages 99-114, Springer-Verlag , 2002.
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