Introducing Security Testing to Developers: Experiences and Lessons Learned

Achim D. Brucker

It is commonly accepted that security testing should be applied as early as possible in the software development life-cycle. This requires selecting application security testing tools that are easy to use for developers and, thus, developers should participate in the selection and roll-out of such tools. In this talk, I will provide and overview what one can expect from (commercial) application security testing tools and report on my experience on introduction them in a large development organisation (over 25000 developers) that uses a wide range of development methodologies ranging from smaller teams with multiple shipments per day to large organisations following a traditional model with quarterly or yearly releases.


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Achim D. Brucker. Introducing Security Testing to Developers: Experiences and Lessons Learned. Checkmarx Security Conference, 1. dec. 2017.
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@Talk{ talk:brucker.ea:cx-security-testing:2017,
abstract = {It is commonly accepted that security testing should be applied as early as possible in the software development life-cycle. This requires selecting application security testing tools that are easy to use for developers and, thus, developers should participate in the selection and roll-out of such tools. In this talk, I will provide and overview what one can expect from (commercial) application security testing tools and report on my experience on introduction them in a large development organisation (over 25000 developers) that uses a wide range of development methodologies ranging from smaller teams with multiple shipments per day to large organisations following a traditional model with quarterly or yearly releases.},
author = {Achim D. Brucker},
day = {1},
event = {Checkmarx Security Conference},
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isodate = {2017-12-01},
lecturer = {Achim D. Brucker},
location = {Tokyo, Japan},
month = {dec},
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title = {Introducing Security Testing to Developers: Experiences and Lessons Learned},
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year = {2017},