OCL: Bridging the Gap between Semi-Formal and Formal Specification

by Achim D. Brucker


QR Code for talk:brucker:ocl:2002.Please cite this article as follows:
Achim D. Brucker. OCL: Bridging the Gap between Semi-Formal and Formal Specification. Meeting with Hitatchi, Freiburg, Germany, 30. sep. 2002.
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@Talk{ talk:brucker:ocl:2002,
address = {Freiburg, Germany},
author = {Achim D. Brucker},
day = {30},
event = {Meeting with Hitatchi},
handout = {https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2002/talk-brucker-ocl-2002-2x2.pdf},
isodate = {2002-09-30},
language = {USenglish},
lecturer = {Achim D. Brucker},
month = {sep},
slides = {https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/download/2002/talk-brucker-ocl-2002.pdf},
title = {{OCL}: Bridging the Gap between Semi-Formal and Formal Specification},
url = {https://www.brucker.ch/bibliography/abstract/talk-brucker-ocl-2002},
year = {2002},